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How to Make Heavy Whipping Cream at Home: A Step-by-Step Guide




Heavy whipping cream is a versatile ingredient used in various sweet and savory dishes, adding richness and creaminess to recipes. While it is readily available in stores, how to make heavy whipping cream allows you to control the ingredients and ensure its freshness. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the simple process of making delicious heavy whipping cream right in the comfort of your kitchen.




1 cup of cold heavy cream (with a high-fat content of around 36-40%)

1 tablespoon of powdered sugar (optional)

½ teaspoon of pure vanilla extract (optional)



A chilled mixing bowl

Electric mixer or hand whisk

Step 1: Chill the Mixing Bowl


To achieve the best results, start by placing the mixing bowl in the refrigerator for about 15-30 minutes before making the heavy whipping cream. A chilled bowl helps the cream whip faster and holds its shape better.


Step 2: Add Heavy Cream to the Chilled Bowl


Measure 1 cup of cold heavy cream and pour it into the chilled mixing bowl.


Step 3: Optional Sweetener and Flavor


For a slightly sweetened and flavored heavy whipping cream, add 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar and ½ teaspoon of pure vanilla extract. These ingredients are optional and can be adjusted according to your taste preference.


Step 4: Whip the Cream


Using an electric mixer or hand whisk, beat the heavy cream on medium to high speed. As you whip, the cream will thicken, and soft peaks will form. Be careful not to overwhip, as the cream can quickly turn into butter if beaten for too long.


Step 5: Check for Desired Consistency


Continuously monitor the consistency of the whipped cream as you beat it. Stop whipping when it reaches your desired thickness. For most recipes, soft to medium peaks are ideal, offering a smooth texture.


Step 6: Store the Heavy Whipping Cream


Transfer the freshly whipped heavy cream to an airtight container. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Remember that homemade whipped cream may separate slightly after a few hours, but a gentle stir will restore its consistency.




Making homemade heavy whipping cream is a simple and rewarding process that elevates the taste and texture of your culinary creations. By following this step-by-step guide, you can whip up fresh and creamy heavy whipping cream to enhance your desserts, drinks, or savory dishes. Customize the sweetness and flavor to suit your preferences and enjoy the delightful richness of homemade heavy whipping cream in your favorite recipes.


pátek, 28. července 2023 | 9PMnews

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